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Previous Events

Bridging the Divide and Injecting Energy

June 2020 – Livestream

Bridging the Divide and Injecting Energy

In part 1 of our ‘Shaping our future post COVID-19’ livestream, we challenged leaders to create the future instead of predicting it. Part 2, ‘Bridging the Divide and Injecting Energy’, sees us repositioning the leader’s mindset to identify the opportunities COVID-19 presents and examine major organisational and leadership themes we see playing out, and how to translate these into ‘re-imagining’ opportunities for your organisation during re-entry. Our session will also acknowledge the challenge and provide strategies to revive a fatigued workforce through the lens of ‘The 3rd Quarter Phenomenon’. We present the questions every organisation should ask themselves to maintain attention and purposeful action within their workforce.

Democratising Leadership: Creating the Conditions and the Systems for Distributed Impact (Part 1)

May 2020 – Livestream

Democratising Leadership: Creating the Conditions and the Systems for Distributed Impact (Part 1)

The past few years have seen the rise of social movements, with their pace, traction and impact indicating that traditional constructs of power, leadership and authority are no longer durable: leadership and authority as a concept have been decoupled. For many organisations this shift in power dynamics has led to a conundrum, and as we move into the new normal with new opportunities and new operating models, democratised leadership will be critical to thrive in this new world. Maximus Directors Brent Duffy and Mark Sowden talk to the criticality of democratised leadership to survive in the new world, the systems which enable it, and how to set these up within your organisation.

Democratising Leadership: Activating every Individual in your Organisation (Part 2)

May 2020 – Livestream

Democratising Leadership: Activating every Individual in your Organisation (Part 2)

Following on from ‘Democratising Leadership: Creating the Conditions and the Systems for Distributed Impact’, we move to explore the mindset required by individuals in your organisation to capitalise on the benefits of a system of democratised leadership.

Planning for Re-Entry and the Virtual Offsite

May 2020 – Livestream

Planning for Re-Entry and the Virtual Offsite

As humans, we lack the capacity and have a poor track record of predicting and modelling the future. To be truly future focused, we must stop looking in the rear-view mirror and depending on historical data to make future focused decisions: leaders must cease predicting the future, and instead, start creating it. Maximus Directors talk to building resilience and flexibility into the business planning process and how to successfully bring it to life it across your organisation, transferring ownership and accountability to your people.

Leading Through COVID-19

April 2020 – Livestream

Leading Through COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 is ostensible for organisations and leaders alike, and we know that the leadership community is being inundated with calls for help and time in areas well beyond their experience. In this livestream, Maximus Joint Managing Directors Vanessa Gavan and Brent Duffy discuss the criticality for leaders to gain control over, and get comfortable with the situation to lead from a place of confidence.

Managing Energy and Building Resilience

April 2020 – Livestream

Managing Energy and Building Resilience

We know that leaders are currently experiencing highs and lows and that it is imperative to tune into your own emotions and those of your team to manage energy effectively. In this livestream, dual Olympian (and Maximus Principal Consultant), James Chapman, provides his unique perspective on building and effectively maintaining resilience, grit and mental toughness as gained during his career as an elite athlete.

Cadence, Connection and Emotional Commitment in a Virtual World

April 2020 – Livestream

Cadence, Connection and Emotional Commitment in a Virtual World

As we transfer to a new normal, asynchronous cadence, authentic connection and the emotional commitment of your people will become essential for organisations to survive and thrive. Maximus’ Joint Managing Directors Vanessa Gavan and Brent Duffy discuss the mindset required to tap into ongoing productivity and the emotional health of the business to enable impactful performance in a different operating environment.

Reimagining Performance and the Business Opportunity

April 2020 – Livestream

Reimagining Performance and the Business Opportunity

With change and reactivity as a constant, executives are finding themselves in a perpetual state of adjusting and pivoting whilst needing to remain aligned. With this comes an opportunity to actively reimagine culture, and in this session our Managing Directors Vanessa Gavan and Brent Duffy discuss how to find the bright spots and unlock impact at scale, creating and enabling a performance culture which is energised around the right business opportunities.

Converting Perpetual Uncertainty to Understanding

April 2020 – Livestream

Converting Perpetual Uncertainty to Understanding

In the present climate of uncertainty, executives need to cut through the noise to see the signals and act upon them. In this livestream, Maximus Joint Managing Directors Vanessa Gavan and Brent Duffy talk to the requirement for senior leaders to obtain clarity quickly in this period of uncertainty. Our aim is to help you identify key issues to focus on, quickly assess options and make the decisions that count.

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