Our Inspiration

M Magazine 06 – Impact


At Maximus, we focus our energy on creating experiences for leaders which promote future-focused thinking, enable purpose-led leadership, and unlock partnering and collaboration.

There is no denying the last 12 months have been the most disruptive, mutable, and influential in recent times.

To this end, we are proud to have created our sixth edition of M Magazine. We chose a theme that has surfaced again and again in recent discussions with Australian executives: impact.

We have seen the light on leaders go from a spotlight to a floodlight – presenting them with the ultimate burning platform: an opportunity to see in real time, the positive impact of fast and meaningful change, while also highlighting the risks of uncertainty and the very real impact of failure.

We highlight the leadership behaviours that will energise and drive the necessary resilience and progress into 2021.


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  • Amy Borwn
  • Angus Hervey
  • Anthony De Fazio
  • Antony De Jong
  • Aurecon
  • BankVic
  • Barry Buffier
  • Bill Morrow
  • BrentDuffy
  • Collective
  • Commitment
  • Connection
  • Conviction
  • Crisis
  • EmpathyFuture
  • Energy
  • Expeditions
  • Giam Swiegers
  • Government
  • Impact
  • IsoKing
  • Jon Lamonte
  • Julie Bishop
  • Koala
  • Leader
  • Leadership
  • Legacy
  • Linktree
  • Maximus
  • Narrative
  • NBN
  • optimism
  • Premier and Cabinet
  • Resilience
  • StageKing
  • Sydney Metro
  • VanessaGavan
  • Vocus Group