It is strange to us at Maximus that human systems are rarely effectively utilised as a critical system contributing to the strategy and performance of an organisation. We strongly believe they should be differentiated, focused, simple to understand and intrinsically valued by the leaders of any effective organisation. A focused and aligned approach to leadership directly impacts better business performance, a strong culture and helps drive accountability to deliver the business strategy. In fact, leadership is more than just a system, it’s an ecosystem with its own leadership culture.
As we work with our clients, they increasingly understand and act on the reality that leadership is not just the spine for communication, the skills to manage people, but a system above and beyond the individuals within it. Like any other system it should be hardwired into the organisation. This means taking a holistic approach to all levels and aspects of leadership within the organisation. We link leadership layers and create access and interdependencies that build the strength and resilience of the leadership and culture.
Organisations that have invested in a high-performing leadership ecosystem are able to respond faster and reorganise better in the face of disruption. An ecosystem approach to leadership is also valuable when there are significant changes in leadership because there is an underlying structure that is able to absorb some of the shock and offer the cultural stability for the organisation to recover faster.
The system your organisation could evolve to will depend on the business strategy, the make-up of your people and the best methods for them to perform to the plan. The system is intended to serve both the company and stakeholder outcomes. There is no ‘one size fits all’ at Maximus. Everything is created or configured for the context.