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Indistractability: Creating Superhuman Teams

Indistractability: Creating Superhuman Teams


As technology wrestles for our attention in the workplace, how do leaders ensure their workplace can manage distraction and afford the crucial time needed for deep thought, innovation and human connection? Maximus investigates…

Maximus • 10 minutes Reading Time

Leading Light

Leading Light


As the curator for Vivid Sydney’s Light Walk festival, Lucy Keeler melds her own creative talents with her pragmatic purpose in building and nurturing Australian artists. Here, she talks to Maximus about her artistic direction, her passion for this imaginative community and her love of lights…

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

Unravelling the Innovation Apocalypse

Unravelling the Innovation Apocalypse


Leaders are having to sift through more and more polarised sensationalism to navigate an increasingly technology influenced world. Dr Angus Hervey unpicks the discussion…

Maximus • 11 minutes Reading Time

Reimagination: A Business Superpower

Reimagination: A Business Superpower


Innovators, disruptors and large-scale problem solvers all possess the ability to reimagine – to recognise and implement a different approach. Maximus looks into how reimagination can change the way a business thinks and works.

Maximus • 12 minutes Reading Time

The Value Architect

The Value Architect


Maximus explores the leader’s role in architecting value through the responsible integration of technology and re-envisioning human capabilities.

Maximus • 6 minutes Reading Time

The Rise of the Tribe

The Rise of the Tribe


In this tech-heavy age, human connection is vital. Leaders who understand this ensure their workplace fosters a healthy culture ultimately benefitting everyone, says Maximus Founder and Joint Managing Director, Vanessa Gavan.

Maximus • 6 minutes Reading Time

A Mindful Commitment to the Future

A Mindful Commitment to the Future


It takes a long-term outlook and true courage to achieve lasting impact. Maximus Founder and Joint Managing Director Vanessa Gavan explores how several Australian leaders are approaching the challenge, and talks about how we frame it for ourselves and our clients.

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

Talking About Your Generations

Talking About Your Generations


Millennials are so last century (literally). We’re kidding, but even as some leaders grapple to connect with that previous generation, here comes the next one. Maximus urges leaders to do a better job of connecting with Gen Z – understanding the aspirations and frustrations – and creating future-focused environments that they actually want to be a part of.

Maximus • 12 minutes Reading Time

The Trust Transaction

The Trust Transaction


Why rebuilding trust in institutions from the inside out is crucial to initiating a new era of growth and prosperity for Australia.

Maximus • 6 minutes Reading Time

The Psychology of Decisions

The Psychology of Decisions


However strong your other leadership attributes, if your judgment is poor, you will never be successful. Your decisions, and their impact, will shape your legacy.

Maximus • 5 mins Reading Time

Leading From the Edge: Redefining Purpose and Conviction

November 2020 – Livestream

Leading From the Edge: Redefining Purpose and Conviction


Purpose is the north star, the anchor, the stabiliser in a crisis that helps us confidently steer in new directions. Purpose connects us deeply to one another and something greater than ourselves. We believe that purpose is just the beginning. True leadership is measured in impact, and impact requires conviction. John Chambers (Exec GM Future Business and Technology at AGL Energy), and Tiffanie Ireland (Director of Two Point Co. Indigenous Engagement Consultancy), two extraordinary leaders who have overcome enormous challenges to live and breathe their purpose daily and transform their organisations and the world around them, join Maximus Directors James Keeler and Katherine Boiciuc for a fascinating exploration of purposeful leadership.

53 minute watch

Leadership Theories Unmasked

Leadership Theories Unmasked


There are no magic bullets when it comes to leadership development. While it is important to consider new literature, ideas and debate; we shouldn’t be so diverted by the latest leadership theory that we lose sight of the fundamentals of what is important to shape a good leader.

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

Aligning Employee Experience With Customer Experience

Aligning Employee Experience With Customer Experience


Every touchpoint in the customer experience shapes customer sentiment. With employees as a crucial touchpoint, having a workforce of brand ambassadors that delivers a consistently differentiated customer experience has never been more vital.

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

Want Innovative Teams? Develop Inclusive Leaders

Want Innovative Teams? Develop Inclusive Leaders


Since I last wrote about building an inclusive culture that drives innovation, I’ve frequently been asked about how leaders can contribute. One thing is for sure, without leaders’ buy-in, inclusiveness will never be truly embedded.

Maximus • 4 minutes Reading Time

The Second Horizon: Leading the Medium Term

October 2020 – Livestream

The Second Horizon: Leading the Medium Term


As uncertainty reigns, the near future of the first-horizon occupies the minds and resources of leaders across industries. Yet it is the second-horizon, the medium-term, which will prove most challenging as leaders grapple with the impact this crisis will have over the coming years. In this livestream, Andrew Gardiner, Chief of Commercial Property, Melbourne Airport and Trudi Mares, Executive Director, Transport Shared Services, Corporate Services – Transport for NSW, join Maximus Directors Brent Duffy and Mark Sowden, and talk to how they navigated the past 12 months, the impact COVID has had on their industries, and their approach to planning for the second horizon.

39 minute watch

Megatrends: Foresight as a Muscle

Megatrends: Foresight as a Muscle


To successfully operate across multiple horizons a leader must develop an infinite mindset. Katherine Boicuic speaks to the requirement for and how to, harness the power of foresight, cease thinking in terms of ‘during’ and ‘after’ COVID and create the future.

Maximus • 6 minutes Reading Time

Time To Rethink Traditional Learning and Development

Time To Rethink Traditional Learning and Development


In spite of that eye-watering expenditure, corporate learning — and leadership development in particular — is simply not well understood, particularly when you ask about fundamental outcomes: impact and return of investment. It’s obvious many are not getting the development they require to thrive as individuals, let alone successfully lead their organisations into the future.

Maximus • 6 minutes for introduction article; 15 minutes for Whitepaper (linked) Reading Time

Culture Transformation: The Leader’s Role in Shaping Culture

Culture Transformation: The Leader’s Role in Shaping Culture


CEOs are essential for culture transformation, but not in the way you might think. With culture at the top of the agenda for many organisations, it’s important to understand what culture is, the role top leaders play and the best way to activate change.

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

Growth From Uncertainty – A Maximus Interview With Nicholas Gruen

Growth From Uncertainty – A Maximus Interview With Nicholas Gruen


Companies around the world are placing their bets, forecasting the horizon and predicting the future. What they’re not telling you is that they only know a fraction more than the average person. Maximus spoke with Lateral Economics CEO and Australian Economist Nicholas Gruen, about making better decisions in the face of uncertainty.

Maximus • 5 minutes Reading Time

5 Reasons Succession Plans Fail

5 Reasons Succession Plans Fail


Twenty-five percent of high-potential employees say they plan to change jobs within the next 12 months, showing potential attrition rate 2.5 times greater than just five years ago. And yet, 66 percent of businesses don’t see themselves as succession-ready.

Maximus • 4 minutes Reading Time

Enabling Foresight: The Capabilities Needed to Pull the Future Forward

September 2020 – Livestream

Enabling Foresight: The Capabilities Needed to Pull the Future Forward


David Dzienciol, Chief Customer Officer & Chief Commercial Officer, NEXTDC, and Evan Thornley, Executive Chair, LongView. join Maximus Directors James Keeler and Katherine Boiciuc, to explore the capabilities which underpin organisations, enable senior leaders to navigate uncertainty and guide organisations with the power of foresight.

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